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broadcast recording 01 June, 11:30

Se­xual abu­se on the Inter­net: how to pro­tect chil­dren

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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Ukraine ranks 5th in the world in terms of posting materials of sexual abuse of children. According to a Ukrainian study, every 12th child has received a request to send nude photos of themselves. Almost a quarter of children were involved in at least one situation of sexual abuse or exploitation on the Internet in 2020. Half of the children did not tell anyone about what happened to them. At the same time, more than half of children have not received any warning or explanatory information about the threat of sexual violence on the Internet in the past year. 

How to stop the spread of these crimes? How to protect children and inform parents about such threats? How to find and punish those responsible for sexual abuse of children?

 On the International Children's Day, the DOCU/CLUB Network of the Docudays NGO and the Magnolia NGO launch a joint information campaign to counteract sexual abuse of children on the Internet.  


Yaroslava Dyo

Chief Specialist of the Department for the Development of Digital Skills and Digital Education at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Nina Khoma

Head of the DOCU/CLUB Network at Docudays NGO

Alla Tiutiunnyk

Director of the Strategic Development Department at Docudays NGO

Maryna Lypovetska

project manager at the Magnolia NGO

Oleksiy Sydorenko

Head of the Department for Combating Violence Against Children at Magnolia NGO


In the Human Rights Programme, we have tried to trace the causal relationships between the processes launched by the Russian aggression and make sense of their impact on our future. 

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