Ksenia Ukolova
Head of the Student League of the Association of Ukrainian Lawyers, lawyer
The decolonization of Ukraine is a complex and multifaceted process that involves not only overcoming the imperial legacy, but also building a new just and democratic society. Young people play a key role in this process.
Young people are agents of change who have the energy, creativity and desire to create a better future. They are not burdened by past experiences and can therefore take a fresh look at problems and offer innovative solutions.
What are the challenges and opportunities for young people in the process of decolonization of Ukraine? What youth initiatives already exist in Ukraine and how can youth participation in decolonization processes be supported and expanded?
Head of the Student League of the Association of Ukrainian Lawyers, lawyer
head of the Triangle NGO
student, volunteer, and public activist
public activist, psychologist, trainer, facilitator
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording
broadcast recording