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broadcast recording 06 June, 17:30

Spi­rit of fre­edom: Iden­tity through the lens of ci­ne­ma

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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Ukrainian cinema is facing new challenges during the war. In the times of full-scale aggression, Ukraine has to oppose misinformation and propaganda which Russia tries to broadcast in the civilised world. So cinema becomes an important instrument to demonstrate the realities of the war and its impact on people’s lives, and to remind the world what the value of freedom is all about.

In this public reading, we will talk with the books about:

  • What should Ukrainian cinema be like during the war and how has the industry changed?

  • How does the film industry affect the popularisation of Ukraine in the world?

  • What should state support for cinema look like during the war?





Yevhen Pavliukovsky

moderator, journalist

Olga Birzul

film curator, cultural manager, author of the publication Your Book about Cinema

Olena Honcharuk

cultural manager, cultural critic, museologist, director of the Film Museum at Dovzhenko Center in Kyiv and the competition winner for the Dovzhenko Center's director general position


In the Human Rights Programme, we have tried to trace the causal relationships between the processes launched by the Russian aggression and make sense of their impact on our future. 

More events in the programme