eng: A team of military medics.

Almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan

Hottabych And His Team

director: Sergiy Lysenko
Original with English subtitles.
Original with English subtitles.

Often, men and women who are members of Hottabych team have been under fire, gone to the territories controlled by terrorists and risked their lives for the wounded soldiers’ sake. Previously, Hottabych had worked as a steel worker and financial director. After events on Maidan, he has gone as a volunteer to ATO zone (anti-terrorist operation zone) with the 1st National Guard Battalion.

 In a year Illya Lysenko named Hottabych managed to create a team of five crews which rescue the wounded soldiers from the hot spots. 


Sergiy Lysenko


Roman Bondarchuk

Almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan

Almanac Encyclopaedia of the Maidan is nine stories about the outbreak of civil activism in Ukraine.