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broadcast recording 05 June, 18:00

De­cade of Ukrainian Do­cu­men­ta­ry Film­making: The Film Critics’ Per­specti­ve, from the Union of the Ukrainian Film Cri­tics

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The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
The conversation is held in Ukrainian.
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We are happy to introduce you to this year’s special jury of members of the Union of the Ukrainian Film Critics. The guest experts will talk about the particularities of film critics’ work with documentaries, its general context in the Ukrainian market, and discuss the changes which they have been observing in Ukrainian documentary cinema in the past 10 years.


Olena Korkodym

film journalist, founder of the Documents film website

Ihor Kromf

film critic

Aliona Penziy

film researcher from the Dovzhenko Centre, film critic and cultural manager

Liudmyla Chyrkova

moderator, host of the information and analysis programme Culture on Time of the Suspilne Culture TV channel, film journalist


Watch five events of the DOCU/CLASS workhop 2024.